Overcoming Hurdles in the PR Planning Process

One of the biggest hurdles I face in any planning process is accountability for other team members. It is very easy to sit back and let the other people who “do this all the time” just take the wheel and plan the whole event, but having more people contribute helps see perspectives that might not …

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How United Airlines Could Have Avoided a PR Nightmare

In March 2017, United Airlines' CEO was named U.S. Communicator of the Year. Only a month later, they faced one of the biggest PR nightmares of the year when security officers forcibly removed Dr. David Dao from a flight going from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky. Thanks to the age of smartphones, several videos surfaced of …

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3 Things to Consider BEFORE Choosing PR as a Major

1. Be prepared to never be able to describe your major to your family and friends. A nursing student will become a nurse. An engineering student will become an engineer. That seems pretty straightforward. For public relations students, the job range can vary. It can be anywhere from “event coordinator” to “marketing director.” Do we …

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