How Southwest Avoided a PR Disaster

On April 17, Southwest Airlines experienced an engine explosion that left one passenger dead. The explosion destroyed a window and partially drew a woman out at over 32,000 feet. The pilot acted in a quick and professional manner, working to keep everyone calm and landing the plane as smoothly as possible. Southwest's response was just …

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Finals: Making it to the Finish Line

With finals week only two weeks away, it can feel tempting to check out for the rest of the semester. This is always a bad idea, especially because there's usually bigger assignments due around that time. Here's a few helpful tips for finishing the semester strong. 1. Plan out your last couple weeks. Figure out …

Continue reading Finals: Making it to the Finish Line

Turning Group Work from a Mess to a Yes

Group work: everyone's least favorite thing. Somehow, everyone always thinks they get placed in the worst groups, but is that really the case? Group work is 99% communication, and 1% actually doing, which means you need to know how to communicate effectively with your team members. Here's a few tips to ensure your group projects …

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