4 Things You Need to Know About Fundraising

1. Know your target audience.

It’s easy to make a flyer announcing a fundraiser and to just post them everywhere, but unless you know your audience, flyers will not make any difference. Do research to figure out who you want to donate to your cause and then reach out to them. Around 85% of money donated is given by individuals rather than organizations, so knowing one’s target audience will help reach your fundraising goals.

2. Know your fundraising goal.

What are your goals for fundraising? Are there specific things that need funding such as renovations on a building? Know how much money you need to raise and then up those numbers. Chances are you will end up needing that extra money and your donors have already proven that they care about your cause if they are willing to donate.

3. Understand that fundraising is a give and take.

Some organizations decide they need money and then come asking for it without any incentive. People are not ATMs that just freely dispense money. The most common complaint among donors who regularly donate over $5000 is that they are underappreciated. Reward your donors because after all, they are the reason you can do what you do.

4. Most importantly, always say, “Thank you.”

It doesn’t matter if an individual gave you $1 or $100. Saying thank you always helps to show donors that their actions did not go unnoticed. Thank you notes don’t have to be fancy – just short and personalized to the donors. Telling them that their gift really helps will only improve the public view of your fundraiser.

thank you

At the end of the day, you can’t do anything without donors so knowing who they are and putting them first should be your first priority.

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